Thank you for visiting us at Queer Cumbria CIC! Here’s a little bit of insight into who we are, what we get up to and some recent feedback from local people and organisations. Make sure to explore more of the site where you can read or download our mag, find links to support services, contact us with your ideas or, if you’re feeling flush, donate us a few quid!
Queer Cumbria CIC is a space that celebrates & connects our growing queer community. We platform queer voices & talents, promote queer initiatives and help queer people find the networks & support they are looking for. We are passionate about supporting and empowering our queer community.
We are a group of LGBTQ+ people and having worked in arts, youth work, journalism and events over recent years, we recognised a need for more queer representation and to connect us all as a community. We work with other grassroots groups in Cumbria as well and listening to the voices of queer youth to guide the work we do.
Our community magazine is available in quarterly print runs, with copies given out free to cafes and event spaces across the county. It supports LGBTQ+ writers, artists and photographers and aims to give queer people visibility and voice.
We work on pop-up events that provide space for queer people to come together and form healthy and supportive communities.
We have worked on community projects for many years and we formalised as a CIC in 2023. We have lots planned for the future and we will keep working to make sure queer voices are heard loudly and proudly across the county.
We hope you find QC useful and would love to hear from you with thoughts, ideas and feedback.
Its Queer Up ‘Ere!